Category: Motivation

611px-Benjamin_Franklin_1767Another socked-in morning here on the northern shore of St. Thomas, so no sunrise to photograph. Heavy rain expected today, with hopefully a clearing trend for the remainder of the week. A perfect day for finishing off a project I hope will bring some cheer to everyone’s dreary weather of late.

As we approach 2014, take a look at Ben Franklin’s daily schedule.  It’s surely one to adopt as a New Year’s Resolution. read more

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” ~ Harriet Stowe

"Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do your fears." ~ Richard Wilkins

And here I am … Just showing up … Enjoying the fresh tradewinds, waiting with anticipation, to see whether or not I’d capture another sunrise.    Thanks Spencer Dickey for believing in me, and taking this photo behind my back LOL!!

Who should be blamed when a leaf falls from a tree?
Is it the Wind that blew it away?
Or Is it the tree that let it go?
Or Is it the leaf who grew tired holding on?
Life unfolds a lot of misunderstandings … Everyday … Every moment …
Its up to us to:
Solve it.  Or Leave it.  Or Live with it.
~ Author Unknown

Belated Christmas winds are honking this morning, steady 20-25mph. So refreshing! And so many beautiful quotes on the wind, it was hard to pick just one!! But my RAK post to follow has to do with letting things be, living with and accepting what is at the moment … read more

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