"One bank of the river is happiness, the other misery. It's best to stay in the midst of the stream, and away from the banks." ~ unknown
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. The past is closed and limited, the future is open and free.”
~ Dr. Deepak Chopra
Happy Friday everyone! Well, it appears that my little rain dance and prayers were answered overnight, as we got close to an inch of rain in some heavy, passing showers. So thank you God, I see you up there in that light.
I thought, boy, if only all my other prayers could be that easily answered !?!? Of course I can’t help but notice that my prayer for water was pretty self serving LOL …. But, I know the trees, and the birds and iguanas who reside in them, really needed the rain too! It’s said that Prayer is me talking to God. Meditation is allowing God to talk to me. Should I be doing both?