Archive: 2014

“The imagination is the workshop where all plans are created.”
~  Napoleon Hill

Do you feel you have a strong imagination? I sure hope so !!!! Because it you don’t, you aren’t going anywhere fast. But on the bright side, imagination can be developed. Much like any muscle, your imagination will grow the more you use it …

Hill tells us that there are two types of imagination: Synthetic and Creative.

Most ideas will be born through the use of our synthetic imagination. We arrange old concepts, ideas or plans into new combinations. Synthesized imagination doesn’t create anything, it merely works with the materials of experience, education and observation. read more

 “I have a dream …”
   ~  Martin Luther King

What a beautiful quote, in honor of this fine man, as we continue our contemplations on “Thinking and Growing Rich” and The 4th Principle of Success or Specialized Knowledge.

Wikipedia says of King’s early life that he was “a precocious student, skipping both the ninth and the twelfth grades and entered Morehouse College at age fifteen without formally graduating from high school.” It’s worth taking a moment to read King’s bio on Wikipedia, noting the Principles of Success that King, like Gandhi, possessed: Specialized knowledge being one of them! read more

“Knowledge has no value except for what can be gained from it’s application toward some worthy end.”

It’s a still and hazy morning here in the Virgin Islands, creating a surprisingly nice filter to this morning’s sunrise.   I might have guessed this sunrise would be pretty, as friends posted some pretty spectacular sunset photos last night, one catching the elusive “green flash”.   Thanks Mother Nature for keeping me on my toes … There’s something to be said for just showing up with an open-minded attitude ! read more


“You, and you alone, must decide whether or not the reward is worth the price you must pay for it in effort.”
  ~ Napoleon Hill

The Third Principle of Success:  Autosuggestion.

“Nature has built human beings, so that, through our five senses, we can have control over the material that reaches our subconscious mind. ”

We have already been introduced to the concept of Auto-Suggestion earlier in the book, but it appears so important, Hill gives the concept it’s own chapter.  And we are instructed to come back to this chapter – which repeats the Six Steps of Turning Desire into Gold – and re-read it after we finish the book.  It is of such great importance, it will warrant repeating in practically every chapter !! read more


As Luna waxes to full in Cancer (tomorrow) it's a good time to reflect upon how your inner child can be better supported - such as regular sharing circles, play dates, massages, counselling session, baths, early nights, home cooked nutritious food at regular times & hugs.  Moon in Cancer is also a good time to be truly grateful for our vulnerabilities... For often our special abilities arise as coping strategies in response to the unmet needs of our inner child. For example, if you didn't feel safe you may've learned to 'read' other people & intuit their needs or if you grew up with a lack of faith in your caregivers to meet your needs you may have become a high functioning adult who's great at organizing everything & everyone driven unconsciously by an anxiety that nothing will be done right if you don't attend to every detail. Just like the grain of sand that irritates the shellfish that creates the pearl, our childhood wounds are the catalyst for the pearls of wisdom that become our legacy we share with the world. So love your wound by acknowledging it exists. (We all have wounds, human frailty is universal & it's part of the ride when one incarnates.) When we acknowledge our wound we can better share our gifts in a way that honours our core needs.   The artist of this painting is: Blessings on your day, Tanishka
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