“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states. Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul’s weather.”
~ Martha Graham
I’d been awake for some time before the sunrise this morning, but it was a struggle to get up. From the vantage point of my pillow through the bedroom curtains, it looked kind of grey and cloudy. April Fools!! said Mother Nature, as I forced myself up and opened the door. What a truly lovely morning. Happy April everyone !!!
Over the past few days, we’ve been talking chakras, or our spirit’s energy centers. There are 7 of them. We’ve talked the 1st root chakra, which is where we process all of our most basic tribal needs and fears. As we move up the centers from the base to the crown, the evolution takes us through the first 3 centers which relate to personal & physical need, towards the spiritual. After going over lessons at the root chakra, I jumped to the 5th chakra of the throat, where I was needing to do some work. I had a decision which needed filtering before I expressed it.
Caroline Myss writes: “At each stage we gain a more refined understanding of personal and spiritual power, since each chakra represents a spiritual life-lesson or challenge common to all human beings. As a person masters each chakra, he gains power and self knowledge that become integrated into his spirit, advancing him along the path toward spiritual consciousness in the classic hero’s journey. If we ignore our responsibility and need to address consciously these seven spiritual lessons, their energy can manifest itself into illness.”
As we actualize our own belief system, overcoming fear of abandonment from our tribe, we’ll move into clarifying our role with our partners. Carolyn Myss says that this 2nd chakra energy, located in the sacrum, begins to pulsate and become distinct around the age of 7. At that age, children start interacting with other children and adults, more independently of their parents and outside the home environment. Through these initial interactions we begin to form identity, build relationships and explore the power of choice.
Did you know that you work with this chakra every 7 years?? As we work with our tribal notions, there will come a time when it is necessary to challenge the wisdom of these beliefs and see if they still hold true in the present with our own inner truth. At age 14, we may undergo the “rebellious years” and may begin exploring our sexuality. Between 14-21, we tentatively form our own belief systems, and begin applying them as young adults. By 28 years, we may question a re-joining our own beliefs with those of our tribal family. However, there are many individuals who pass quietly through the teenage rebellion, only to see it emerge in our 40s and 50s.
Does this cycle seem to hold true for you? It sure does for me! You may see it physically in changes of hairstyle, wardrobe, or changes in partners or jobs …
Here are some more questions for exploration to see how comfortable you are working with this very powerful 2nd energy center, which dictates our relationships with people and our own self-worth which may manifest creatively and physically as money:
1. How do you define creativity, and how creative are you? Do you follow through with creative ideas?
2. How often do you direct your creative energies into negative paths of expression? Do you exaggerate or embellish “facts” to support your point of view?
3. How comfortable are you in your sexuality and can you honor your boundaries? Do you use people for your own pleasure, or have you felt used?
4. Do you keep your word?
5. Do you have an impression of God as a force that exerts justice in your life?
6. Are you a controlling person? Do you engage in power plays in your relationships?
7. Does money have authority over you? Do you make compromises that violate your inner self for the sake of financial security?
8. How often do survival fears dictate your choices?
9. Are you strong enough to master your fears concerning finances and physical survival, or do they control you, your attitudes and your actions?
10. What goals do you have that you aren’t pursuing? What stands in your way?
Tomorrow, we’ll see what illnesses may result when our relationship chakra is out of wack, and what steps we can take to allow this gateway into balance.
As for today, if you are a yogi, spend some time in pigeon pose. This posture always reveals imbalances in the 2nd sacral chakra. If your hips are tight, you can bet you’ve been dealing with financial security or personal relationship issues … The movement never lies … Don’t be fooled