Archive: February 2014


“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”
~  Will Rogers

What a beautiful, clear morning we have today.   With Spencer off on his ski trip, I woke up to a quiet household, and thoughts still echoing from Napoleon Hill.

I completely understand the guiding principle that indecision creates fear.   And that the easiest way to overcome indecision or procrastination is to have a definitive purpose.

But what if we aren’t sure what that is?  For many of us, we wake up mid-way through our life, and ask “Is this as good as it gets?  What’s next??” read more


Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
~ John Wayne

What a perfect sunrise, and time to use my favorite of all quotes, to conclude our first reading of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Let’s “Shine the Spotlight on Fear”.

I will start by saying that reading this chapter for yourself is a must. In order to move forward, you are going to have to take an exceptionally honest inventory of yourself.

In his final chapter on fear, Hill gives an absolutely brilliant snapshot of the 6 most basic fears: read more


“Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”
~ James Stephens

It’s a busy day on tap here, as we prepare for Spencer to head off finally on his ski trip vacation tomorrow. I’m placing myself close at hand, to make sure no mishaps occur 😉

So I’m going to keep it short today, as I have not yet finished reading and thinking through Napoleon Hill’s final chapter to Think and Grow Rich.

In order that we put Hill’s philosophy to work, we must prepare our minds to receive it. We must clear the way, by studying, analyzing and understanding three enemies: read more


“Some of the best ideas come out of the blue.”
~ Richard Branson, CEO Virgin Atlantic

I love this sunrise. To me, it’s the hand of my logo. It is in humble service, and with shear gratitude, that I have brought you this offering.

Today, we are here to discuss the apex of Hill’s highly acclaimed, and widely recognized philosophy on success. The roadmap to riches in all walks of life.

But before we delve into the final step, which is the esoteric idea of a 6th sense, let’s make a quick summary: read more


“The greatest force is derived from the power of thought. The finer the element, the more powerful it is. The silent power of thought influences people even at a distance, because mind is one as well as many. The universe is a cobweb; Minds are spiders.”
~ Swami Vivekananda

What a rainy morning for those poor souls over there running the Annual 8 Tough Miles Race on St. John. But, the winners won’t let a little rain stop them. They will persevere !!!

As we continue on with the final 3 steps of thinking and growing rich in success, Napoleon Hill focuses on three aspects of the brain … read more


“When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.”
~ Joel Osteen

Good morning everyone, and happy Friday.   So how did everyone’s prayer’s go yesterday?

I think at this juncture, it’s important again to note that the type of prayer we are discussing here is not necessarily religion based.

Through meditation and yoga, I’ve spent many hours in the contemplation of “God” or the divine.   Of course none of us knows exactly what this is, yet many of us have faith in this unknown supreme being or truth. read more

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