“Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.”
~ Jim Rohn
Yesterday was one of those days … Like I was on the gameshow – Let’s Make a Deal – and I kept picking all the right doors. It was as though the Universe truly answered my plee. And I could feel it from all of you out there too. I think the spirit of Walt Disney may have been visiting a few of us
And I was amazed at how frequently the message of “Never Grow Up” showed up on Facebook. I hold a true conviction that there is a Universal Intelligence, separate from God Consciousness, that carries very important, inspirational messages. No wonder I felt the need to go off topic in yesterday’s post. The calling was there to share that message from UI <3
When I say “Never Grow Up”, in no ways am I implying being irresponsible. What this means to me is keeping the child alive in all of us. This child knows who we were sent on earth to become. This child comes with great intuition and a pure, compassionate heart. As another post wrote “Nourish your inner child”. With this child also comes the freedom to be who we are, without judgment.
I happened to watch a show hosted by Morgan Freeman entitled “Through the Worm Hole”, and a particular episode explored when do we become conscious. Research shows it’s happens sometime between the age of 4 and 5. And one of the determining factors is our ability to blush. Before we blush, we are unaware of “self”. We do not see ourselves from the outside in. Rather we see our world from the inside out. Oh the joy of regaining that perspective !!!
As we tap into our inner child, Napoleon Hill offers up 7 steps to getting the exact position we want in life … My favorite is #5 …
Hill writes that if we follow these procedures we are sure to save years of hard work at small pay. “Every person who starts or gets in halfway up the ladder does so by deliberate and careful planning!
How do we Choose the Right Door to Knock On … Here’s Hill’s Suggestions:
1. Decide exactly what type of job you want (the container). If that job doesn’t already exist, perhaps you can create it. Yep !!!
2. Choose the company or individuals for whom you wish to work for (or for entrepreneurs, choose those you want to collaborate with. Don’t be vague. You can’t please everyone! This is called Target Marketing!!)
3. Study your prospective employers as to policies, personnel and chances for advancement.
4. By analysis of yourself, your talents, and your capabilities, figure what you can offer. Plan specific ways and means of giving advantages, services, developments or ideas that you believe you can successfully deliver. In other words, offer something they might not already have !!
5. Forget about a “job”. Forget whether or not there is an opening. Forget the usual routine of “have you got a job for me?”. Concentrate on what you can give!
6. Once you have the plan in your mind, put it on paper in neat form and full detail. (To me, this is your cover letter, or better yet, the homepage to your website).
7. Present it to the proper person with authority, and the rest will come automatically.
Every company is looking for people who can give something of value, whether it is ideas, services or “connections”. Every company has room for the person with a definite plan of action that is to the advantage of that company.
So are you ready to take your skills, get them on paper or the web, and begin soliciting to your target market ??? I bounced alot of great ideas around with Spencer yesterday, and I’m ready !!!!! I hope you are too. Let’s go get them <3