Archive: June 2013

“Gray skies are just clouds passing over.”
~ Duke Ellington

I’ve never heard that quote before. Which surprises me, because it’s so simple, and yet so profound. It could easily become one of my favorites, right up there with “inch by inch, life’s a cinch!”.

It’s a quiet morning here today. Peaceful. And strangely, I’m not feeling very reflective. Just enjoying the fact that I’m here, ready to face the day, whatever it may hold. Just being … read more

“It is cheerful to God when you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

It sure is alot easier to pop out of bed when the dawn is red LOL. While not the prettiest of sunrises, the clouds allowed me to sit for quite a long time, enjoying the scent of the newly blooming frangipani trees on the cliffs and watching the interesting ripple on the water (do you see it?).

And I was thinking through yesterday. I’m finally ready to work on my coachsulting website, finalize a design implementation, and specify exactly what it is that I wish to offer the world at large, outside of blogging and housing tourists. It was a day filled with challenges, but very enjoyable. read more

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”
~ Unknown

The sunrise is now almost directly in front of my bedroom window. Soon I think it will head back the other way. And once again, the actual sunrise was pretty lack-luster compared to this spectacular dawn. And with the clouds, it was a bit imbalanced, kind of like my own morning ….

Everyone else was also up early, which brought a wave of activity, disrupting my normal peace and quiet. Spencer was headed down to the beach with a friend and villa guest. Hopefully to find a piece of lost jewelry with his metal detector. So he had his agenda, which sat in conflict with my own quiet morning routine and connection to creative thought. Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer writes read more

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