”Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.”
~ Oprah Winfrey

What a beautiful morning here today. Tropical Storm Dorian is passing just to our North, sending us a cleansing line of showers late yesterday afternoon. The air feels so fresh, with a light lofty breeze. And look at those still waters in the photo … It’s like a lake out there! A perfect day for my villa guests, who are going scuba diving this morning 🙂

So yesterday, I had one of those experiences that gives you goose bumps. I was in the midst of cleaning, when I had a very strong sense that a friend needed me to contact them. I came over to my computer to see if she was on Facebook. Turns out, she had been listening to a song for the past half hour, and thinking very intently on me. She posted the song – for me – right as I logged in here. She had been more or less meditating for the past hour, love flowing. Wow!! Did I feel that or what !!!

As you all may know, I took a six week course on developing intuition. We worked with meditation, feeling and seeing auric fields, feeling energetic vibration, etc. I learned alot in those weeks, both about my intuitive powers and myself. There were six participants in the class, and it was really interesting to see who opened up to their experience, and who wanted to believe in it, but just couldn’t.

Dr. Judith Orloff’s writes: “Some people hear an inner voice, other people get a physical sensation, like in the pit of their stomach, some have vivid dreams, and some see visual clues, like symbols. The key is in identifying how your body gives you its messages.”

Did you know that the human body can sense some 40 million bits of information per second while the conscious mind can process only a tiny fraction of those — just 40 bits per second ??

To quote Henry Winkler:

”Your mind knows only some things.
Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything.
If you listen to what you know instinctively,
it will always lead you down the right path.”

Do you believe in intuition? How does it appear for you? (For me, it’s usually an inner voice). How has it helped you in the past? Or does thinking about it call to mind a time when you’ve ignored that little bird on your shoulder, only to wish later that you had listened to what intuition was trying to tell you?

Here’s wishing you a beautiful week. Happy Monday ❤


Joseph Goldstein on Mindfulness
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