“It is cheerful to God when you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
It sure is alot easier to pop out of bed when the dawn is red LOL. While not the prettiest of sunrises, the clouds allowed me to sit for quite a long time, enjoying the scent of the newly blooming frangipani trees on the cliffs and watching the interesting ripple on the water (do you see it?).
And I was thinking through yesterday. I’m finally ready to work on my coachsulting website, finalize a design implementation, and specify exactly what it is that I wish to offer the world at large, outside of blogging and housing tourists. It was a day filled with challenges, but very enjoyable.
As I came inside to write, I arrived to a hysterical email from a friend. She started by saying that I’d likely piddle myself, and yes, I just about did.
Bill Cosby says:
Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive.
My friend says she’s in need of a fairy godmother. External events are whizzing around her like bees around a hornets nest. She’s the nest. And her family are the bees. You may recall that my own personal and spiritual development was renewed four or so years ago when I googled “how to make the world stop spinning”. Oh, I know only too well that feeling of “make it stop already!”.
And aside from reading alot of Eastern philosophy to broaden my understanding of spirit, the best antidote to life’s frantic pace is journaling. Writing.
Seth Godin, one of my most favorite bloggers, just surpassed his 5,000th blog post. Seth writes: “I’ve done this longer than any professional project I can remember, and I still consider it a joy and a privilege. I write and edit every word myself, and always have. This is me, unvarnished. And my biggest surprise? That more people aren’t doing this. Not just every college professor (particularly those in the humanities and business), but everyone hoping to shape opinions or spread ideas. Entrepreneurs. Senior VPs. People who work in non-profits. Frustrated poets and unknown musicians… Don’t do it because it’s your job, do it because you can.”
So what is it exactly that I’ll be doing over at my coachsulting site, LiftingLimitations.com? I’ll be coaching people how to create a WordPress website. Why? So they can blog. Start a business. Share a hobby. Simply helping people share their words, ideas and dreams on digital media. It’s extremely gratifying. Both for me, and for my student.
Why journal, and why blog?? Here’s a 100 reasons ….
The Top 3: Daily journaling reduces the scatter in life, increases focus, and brings stability.
So when you are ready to share your journal (journey) with the world, I hope you’ll call on me for some coachsulting 🙂